Bot Update v1.7

September 30th, 2023

Author: Kate Ward

Xenia v1.7 was released today. There are some major and minor additions and fixes.


  • Add /tf2 currency command
  • Add ability to export as gif for the following commands
    1. /speechbubble
    2. /caption
  • The following things will now also be stored in the cache for historical tracking
    • User
      • This tracks a users; username, profile bio, profile picture, banner, pronouns, and account flags.
      • This is by default an opt-in feature. You can opt out via your preferences on the dashboard.
    • VoiceState
      • This tracks when a user joins/leaves a channel and when they start/stop streaming or sharing their camera.
    • GuildMember
      • This includes what roles a member has, their nickname, and guild-specific profile/banner.
    • Guild
      • This tracks details about the guild; name, description, picture, roles, categories, etc...
  • Add ability to create goodbye messages for the greeter when a member leaves or is kicked/banned from the guild.
    • Currently, greeter and goodbye messages can only be edited/created from the Dashboard.
  • The Channel Edit event has started to have more functionality. The following things that get changes will be tracked;
    • Name
    • Is NSFW
    • Description/Topic
    • Bitrate
    • Member Limit
    • Quality
    • Voice Region


  • Fixed commands that require owner, but didn't work with Discord Application Teams
  • Fix some message edit events not working because of CacheMessageReference not checking for null fields.
  • The UserVoiceStateUpdated event will now display what user this is in regards to.

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